Using Sharkscope to take notes - 2022 Review
Private Video
In this video, Rui NF explains the importance of taking notes, as these give us information about the opposing players sitting at our table. And he explains how he uses the “sharkscope” tool to tag his opponents.
Player - (nothing to add)
Country - (nothing to add)
Early finishes - the % of times the player loses at the start of the tournament (we can use this stat to see if the player is tighter or more lose at the start of a tournament, especially in PKO'S because in these tournaments we enter from the start).
(at the start of the tournament against a player who has a very high early finish, it's better to give more hero calls and bluff less)
Date of last match - this is used to find out when the score was taken.
Active days - define whether the player is regular or recreational (a player with few active days is recreational).
Profit history - not included (but can be used to see if upswing or downswing)
Capacity - can be important, but rui doesn't look at it much, he prefers to look at: “average stake” ‘registrations’ and ‘profit’ and draw his conclusions.
Average Stake - Rui uses this stat as an aid between good and weak reg, because if the player is playing a buy in well above his average stake, he can play tighter.
Registration - (nothing to add)
Average profit - (nothing to add)
Profit - (nothing to add)
Total ROI - players who lose more than 30% of their total roi are really bad. there are ducks who lose, but only a little. They lose a lot. It's important to make the distinction.
ITM % - Percentage of times a player usually reaches ITM
Games/Day - the lower the number of games per day, the closer the player is to being recreational. The higher the number of games per day, the closer the player is to being a regular.