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“Thinking the game through gives us an intuitive vision that makes us make good decisions, and poker is a game of decisions.” - Hugo Martins, Head Coach Team Cash at Polarize Poker


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Hugo Martins, Head Coach of Polarize Poker's Team Cash, is an inescapable figure in national poker. With a career marked by overcoming obstacles and achievements in cash games, in this interview, Hugo shares his journey, the challenges of the game and his vision as a coach. Get ready to learn more about the mind behind some of today's most promising players.

Career and Achievements

What made you start playing poker? And why the cash game format?

I started playing about 15 years in those home games among friends. It was special because the game already showed a complexity which kept us hooked for hours and hours, and both my friends and I loved the “game”.
After a while 2 years, I started playing a bit of everything online and was already making a few bucks. In 2015/16, when online poker was banned in Portugal for a year, I started playing live cash. This format adapted to my way of being, I didn't spend so much time at the tables and I pulled myself up by my bootstraps. creativity/intuition.

How would you describe your path through poker to becoming Head Coach of Polarize's Team Cash?

Overcoming, my own expectations.

What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far?

I have 2.
1º - When I stopped working, because that's when I felt I was capable of overcoming all the challenges that poker would bring me.
2º – Quando entrei na Polarize como Head Coach da Team Cash, senti recognition and respect for the work and the journey so far.

You have well-known nicknames like “StitCx” and “Ovalete”. Is there a funny story behind why you chose these names?

AHAHAH, actually no. “StitCx” is a school name and “Ovalete” doesn't really mean anything. I have others with the names of my pets.

Achieving impressive results up to NL10k and NL20k is a huge milestone. What do you consider to be the main factor that led you to reach this level?

Stubbornness, competitiveness, curiosity and resilience! Being stubborn made me work harder than almost everyone else. I didn't want to be left behind and my personality helped me with that.
Competitiveness made me not give up at the worst times and believe that I could always go further.
Curiosity helped me to apply effective study methods, copying some of the players I admire, such as Arise, and nowadays also students. 

Work and resilience are a reflection of these characteristics. To do this, you don't just have to want it, you have to want and to do, every day.

Gráfico dos últimos 3 anos Atleta Hugo Martins cash poker

Graph of the last 3 years Athlete Hugo Martins

Strategy and Grind

What are the biggest challenges facing cash game players today?

As there are a number of situations happening such as increasing rake payments, these are rooms that are very detrimental to the regulars who work and to the natural development of the players. I have little doubt about this and I pass this on a lot within Polarize: to be a regular of average quality is to be in the “red line”, I think that in the medium term this type of player will either realize that he has to evolve or he will stop winning.

Within Polarize, we'll never give up on this type of player, those who work, of course, and we've been working hard on this. details with these profiles, this has already given super encouraging results. On the positive side, if the average regulars don't hold their own in the field, the tables will be softer and the recreational/regular ratio will be higher. It's important to look at this from both sides: the negative and also positive.

In your view, what distinguishes a good cash player from a truly excellent one?

Without a shadow of a doubt, the way understand the game, how you interpret it and how you adapt it. Thinking the game through gives us a vision intuitive that makes us make good decisions, and poker is a game of decisions.

How do you stay motivated and focused at the highest limits, where the pressure is enormous?

The pressure brings me motivation, It just comes naturally. What motivates me the most? Defining and redefining objectives.

How do you prepare yourself mentally and technically for demanding games like the higher stakes?

AHAH, I have a few secrets. Mentally, I always try to rest well; you can feel when you're well. Technically, in some games, it's always the same players, but you also have to play well. solid with well-defined strategies makes us almost unexplorable, and that's always our base.

What advice would you give to players who are just starting out in cash games and aspire to reach the highest limits?

That the dream is possible, but only at work. I often say that a poker player is a elite athlete, If you want the dream, you have to work that way. Don't try to achieve results quickly, it causes too much anxiety and frustration. Never think you know everything.

Role as Head Coach

Como está a ser a tua abordagem como Head Coach da Team Cash Games?

Humm... We have one well-defined coaching plan, and there are a few secrets too. The players know what the plan is and the path to take, and so far it's going great. We only have one way: to work brilliantly in order to get results, and this only works for those who work hard!

team cash head coaches polarize poker

Head Coaches Team Cash

What differences have you brought to coaching?

  • Strategies macro and then well-defined micro
  • Simplification
  • Creation of more combative profiles
  • Everything we do has to have a purpose
  • Work more on intuition

Otherwise, there's a lot quality within the team, and it's very easy to implement.

Your work ethic is often mentioned as exemplary. How do you plan to inspire the team to adopt this mentality?

It's been very easy, because they themselves have this mindset, and those who are more lazy have already realized that there is only one way. The best way to inspire them is for Polarize don't fail with anything, because if you want to be demanding, you have to be the first to show it. I'll only demand if I really know that I'm giving my all.

What motivates you more as a coach: seeing your students' results or helping them overcome challenges?

Honestly, the results they mean almost nothing to me (and they've been pretty good). Overcoming is one of the best characteristics of any poker player, and it's in the bad times or the very good times (when players are moving on to another level) that I want to be around and help.

And, as I've been through it myself, I know what a comfort it is for the player. As I said before, we're not going to give up on any player who works. I think it's essential for a player in a downswing or on an uphill climb have very close monitoring to overcome these obstacles.

Curiosities and Personal Perspective

Do you have any rituals or routines before you play?

Nothing, but I respect those who have it. Everyone should use what helps them the most.

How do you manage the balance between your personal life and such a demanding career?

I have things well defined at home, I hardly do anything at home (ahah), so I have all the time I want to work. Otherwise, my life is simple, I like very simple things, and that doesn't distract me too much from my work.

Apart from poker, do you have any other hobbies or interests that help you recharge?

Yes, I am director of a futsal club (the big Gafanha) and I spend a lot of time there. I end up having friends there and socialize a lot, but always with that demand, ahah. I also have a wine company (Betawines), a project that is growing more and more and which, although it doesn't take up much of my time, does require some work from time to time.
Otherwise, I'm with my family, friends and my animals usually. I also travel a lot with my girlfriend and sometimes with friends.

Is there any figure in the poker world who has been an inspiration to you?

Arise, without a doubt! I said that before I worked with him, because he was the one who catapulted my career and that of many. Some of my friends too, with whom I worked for a long time and learned from. Nowadays I'm also inspired by the Polarize students themselves!

Where do you see yourself in five years' time in the poker world?

I imagine it to be better than I am now, I want to surpass myself!
I want people to look at me and say: ”That madman helped me become a poker player“. That's the proudest thing I can be, and that's what I'm going to work for!

Thank you very much for your availability and sincerity in this interview! 

Foi inspirador conhecer mais sobre a tua visão, dedicação e paixão pelo poker. As tuas palavras certamente servirão de motivação para muitos jogadores que almejam alcançar o sucesso nos Cash games. Desejamos-te contínuo sucesso como jogador e Head Coach da Team Cash da Polarize, e que continues a inspirar e transformar vidas no mundo do poker! 

