
Educational article
MTT Essenciais
Basic Level

Poker — O que é ChipEv?

ChipEV (cEV) is the expected value of chips. Confusing, let's break it down. This is the standard Expected Value (EV) that you see in cash games...

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Educational article
Basic Level
Nível Intermédio
Strategy Poker

O que é Equity Distribution?

Equity refers to the portion of the pot that will be yours in the possibility (percentage) of winning the hand at a given time. In other words, equity is the...

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Educational article
Nível Intermédio
Strategy Poker

Range Polarizado vs Range Linear

A range is all the hands a player has in a given scenario that follow the same course of action. In order to...

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Inês Pereira
Lifestyle Poker
Mindset Poker

Poker 2023 — Reflexão Novo Ano c/ Inês Pereira

Most people use the end of the year to reflect on the previous year and create goals for the new year. Reflecting on the...

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Educational article
Lifestyle Poker

Poker — Já definiste os objetivos para 2023?

That's right, 2023 is just around the corner! With the New Year upon us, it's time to write down some poker resolutions and...

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Educational article
Basic Level

Poker — O que são torneios Spin & Go?

Spin & Go is an SNG (Sit & Go) consisting of 3 players in a hyper-turbo format, where the prize is drawn at random and the buy-in...

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Educational article
Basic Level
Strategy Poker

Charles Ulmann dá-te 4 dicas para torneios PKO

Progressive Knockout (PKO) tournaments have become a fixture on the schedules of the major online poker sites for good reason - they have a lot of action....

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Educational article
Lifestyle Poker

Poker Performance - SMART Objectives

SMART Objectives were first outlined in 1981 by George T. Doran in his article entitled “There's a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write...

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Educational article
Basic Level

Poker: O que é “Fold Equity”?

Imagine that you've never heard of the concept of Fold Equity (FE), but you've already considered the possibility of your opponent folding a hand... So of some...

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