
Educational article
Strategy Poker

Poker – Dicas (não técnicas) para Atletas e Coaches

Playing poker professionally requires dedication, a lot of study and psychological control. Nowadays, there's no need to travel to the tournament venue and it's possible...

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Educational article
Mystery Bounty
Strategy Poker

Torneios Mystery Bounty – o big hit de 2022!

PKO tournaments have become very popular, but recently a new variant of the game has appeared in the United States - Mystery Bounty. They are the big hit...

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Educational article
Mão da Semana
Nível Intermédio

Call Épico do Xunekas no EPT Barcelona 2022 | Análise c/ Capri

In this article, Ricardo Caprichoso will analyze a heads-up hand that André “Xunekas” Marques and Simon Brandstrom played in the Main Event of the...

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Educational article
Lifestyle Poker

Energy and Cognitive Health | Poker

In this article, we'll give you a brief summary of the Nutrition Webinar that the Polarize Poker team and, in turn, our athletes...

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Educational article
Lifestyle Poker

Mindfulness: dicas para melhorar o foco no Grind

Poker is often an exciting topic of conversation. In Hollywood movies it is always portrayed as a game in which the players are...

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Educational article
Basic Level
Nível Intermédio
Strategy Poker

Dicas para 4 tipos de Flop

Did you know that board texture is one of the most important pieces of information in any hand? The ideal bet size, bet frequency and...

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Educational article
Lifestyle Poker

Exercício Físico: Vai-te tornar melhor profissional de Poker!

The poker professional leads a life that can't just be focused on playing, playing and playing. In other words, they also need to invest a lot...

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Educational article
Basic Level

Poker: O que é “Equity”?

Equity is one of the most fundamental concepts in poker. If you're not familiar with this concept...

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Educational article
Mão da Semana
Basic Level
Nível Intermédio

Hero Call de Génio de Charles Ulmann no KSOP

The highlight of Day 1 of Event #07 Super High Roller PKO of the KSOP Special came between pros Charles Ulmann and Kelvin...

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