
Educational article
Basic Level
Strategy Poker

Jogadores de Poker Iniciantes: os erros mais comuns (Parte II)

If you're just starting out as a poker player and are looking to avoid falling into the most popular poker “traps”, here's a list of the top 5 mistakes beginner poker players make.

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Educational article
Basic Level
Nível Intermédio
Strategy Poker

O que é o ICMIZER?

ICMIZER is poker software for calculating ICM that will help you analyze various scenarios.

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Lifestyle Poker

Poker Lifestyle: 7 dicas para dormir melhor

In this article, we'll give you seven fundamental tips for any poker player to improve their quality of sleep!

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Poker Player
Polarize Athlete

🎤 Xunekas: Como é que me tornei jogador de poker?

Here comes a new monthly feature - “How did I become a poker player?”. The vast majority of poker players, at some point in their lives, decided not to follow the normal path of getting a 9am to 6pm job with a steady paycheck. That is, they decided to embark on a disruptive career and set off on the adventure that is being a professional poker player.

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Educational article
Nível Avançado
Nível Intermédio
Strategy Poker

Poker Stats: fica a conhecer as mais importantes

Do you know your stats and those of your opponent? Do you know which ones to look at? What are the ideal numbers for each? Do you understand what they mean? If you're still not familiar with the concept of “poker stats”, we'll give you a hand!

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Lifestyle Poker
Mindset Poker

TOP 5 de Livros para melhorares o teu mindset

Here are 5 reading suggestions to help poker players transform their mindset and achieve their goals. Atomic Habits:...

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Educational article
Basic Level
Strategy Poker

Jogadores de Poker Iniciantes: os erros mais comuns (Parte I)

If you're just starting out as a poker player and are looking to avoid falling into the most popular poker “traps”, here's a list of the top 5 mistakes beginner poker players make.

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Educational article
Basic Level
Nível Intermédio
Strategy Poker

O que é o ICM?

If you're an online or live poker player, then this article is for you! Find out everything you need to know to get to know the ICM concept better. What is ICM in Poker? ICM stands for Independent Chip Model, which literally means Independent Chip Model.

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Internal News
Polarize Poker
Team Micro

Parabéns, Team Micro! 🥳

Congratulations to our Team Micro this month! Team Micro celebrates its 5th anniversary this month, having been created in April 2017.

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