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SCOOP 2024: Tips for an (even) healthier routine!


SCOOP 2024 Dicas para uma rotina (ainda mais) saudável!

High-level sporting competition, by its very nature, objectives and characteristics, has the potential to generate high levels of stress and anxiety. The world of high-performance poker is a constant challenge. Between exciting hands, skills developed over the years, calculated strategies and intense tournaments, it's easy to forget the importance of maintaining a healthy routine. 

Especially during events such as the SCOOPs, where the stress experienced by athletes is practically unavoidable, as stress is an unavoidable constituent of participation in top-level sport. Since the pressure is intense, taking care of your body and mind is crucial to achieving the best possible performance. 

In this article, we'll explore some practical tips for an even healthier routine during the 2024 Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP). 

Plan your routine like a professional

The organization and planning is essential if you want to stick to your schedule and goals, so planning your daily routine is fundamental. Take some time to schedule your meals, your training time and even moments of relaxation. A well-structured agenda can be the key to consistent performance. 

Practical example (SCOOPs routine):
rotina scoops

Time Management

This point is inherent in the previous point, but it is important to emphasize the importance of effective time management! It is possible to put into practice various time management strategies that allow you to use your time more productively, thus guaranteeing an improvement in personal and professional performance.

  • Strategic planning - Plan all your tasks, daily, weekly, monthly, and follow your plans to the letter;
  • Sets deadlines - The definition of deadlines to carry out a task, which makes your goal more concrete and tangible.
  • Prioritize - Define tasks by priority level - urgent, important and non-urgent. If you organize your time well, you can be more productive;
  • Avoid procrastination! - It can be very tempting to put off difficult or monotonous tasks until later. However, the result of this habit is the accumulation of a chaotic schedule or the postponement of your goals. 
  • Organize your grind - A messy desk is halfway to mental disorganization.
  • Eliminates distractions - Alerts from Discord, WhatsApp or Instagram are potential performance reducers, so it's best to silence any apps that might distract you.

Balanced Meals, Sharp Minds

Food is essential for good mental and physical performance. Take some time to plan your weekly meals, including a variety of vegetables, lean proteins and healthy carbohydrates. We leave you with the following tips:

  • Freeze half the soup in individual portions and the rest you can eat at within 3 days of preparation, as long as it is stored in the fridge. 
  • Use reusable plastic containers and freeze your meals for the week (don't forget to put the date on the packaging).
  • Weekly, always choose two sources of protein and a garrison, and plan three separate meals. 
  • Vegetables should always be part of the planning. Ideally, you should sauté three vegetables of your choice and vary them every week. For example, if this week is potato, chicken and tuna week, here are three suggestions:

Physical Exercise! Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Physical exercise is not only good for the body, but also for the brain. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day for exercise to promote your physical and mental health! Out of ideas? You could go hiking outdoors, do functional training or go to the gym. A healthy body is essential for a sharp mind. 

Sleep, Rest and Recover

Don't underestimate the regenerating power of sleep. During the SCOOPs, it's normal to stay up late grind, but adequate rest is crucial for your mental health and poker performance. So prioritize at least 7 hours of sleep a night and avoid heavy food before you go to sleep. 

Hydration and Mental Clarity

Stay hydrated, as this is essential for maintaining mental clarity. Always have a bottle of water nearby during your sessions and avoid sugary drinks that can impair your concentration. Small sips throughout the day keep your mind alert. 

By implementing these simple tips into your routine during the SCOOPs, you'll be taking care of your physical and mental well-being, thus ensuring the best possible performance in poker. Remember, a healthy body and a sharp mind are your best cards for success at the tables. Good luck and grind on! 🚀

