Adaptations in bubble phases (Theoretical Group Lesson) - Coach Lipe - 2023 Review

Private Video

Multi Table Tournaments
Warm up

Coach Lipe discusses the bubble phase / ICM.
Data: 28.07.2023

- What is ICM?
- How does the risk/benefit ratio change?
- Which stacks have the highest ICM pressure?
- Comparison of ChipEV and ICM frequencies;
- What is the impact of the ratio of stacks (different nuances)?

00:00-19:00 - Introduction/ ICM concepts
19:00-24:56 - BB defense - comparing different phases of the 30bb deep bubble
24:56 - 37:38 - Frequency analysis - ChipEV vs ICM - Short Stacks (15-20bb)
37:38 - 44:07- Frequency analysis - ChipEV vs ICM - Average Stacks (25-40bb)
44:07 - 53:45 - Frequency analysis - ChipEV vs ICM - Deep Stack (40bb+)
53:45 - 1:00:02 - Questions
1:00:02 - 1:00:02- Conclusion