Probe Turn - study approach - Lipe - 2023 Review
Private Video
In this video, Lipe discusses the most effective way of studying, with an example in the probe turn spot, using the GTO Wizard reports.
00:01:18 - 00:09:48 - How to approach the study.
00:09:48 - 00:24:54 - Reports GTO Wizard flop with more IP check - BB vs UTG on 876r
00:24:55 - 00:41:47 - GTO Wizard reports turn - BB vs UTG at 876r
00:41:48 - 00:45:09 - GTO Wizard flop reports with more IP check - BB vs BTN at 965r
00:45:10 - 00:54:25 - Reports turn by GTO Wizard - BB vs BTN at 965r
00:59:48 - 00:00:00 - Reports GTO Wizard flop with less IP check - BB vs BTN on KdTh5h
01:07:27 - 01:10:51 - Conclusions.