SRP BTNvsBB – Deepstack – GoldenCardVG – 2023 Review

Private Video

Multi Table Tournaments
Warm up

In this video, cash game coach GoldenCardVG will analyse the 100bb game in MTTs, using simplified flop strategies and their impact on turns and rivers.

00:01:40 - 00:06:06 - Introduction.
00:06:07 - 00:16:56 - Cbet flop on AK2s - simplification.
00:16:57 – 00:30:06 – Cbet flop – overall.
00:30:07 - 00:39:57 - Cbet flop on Q85r - analysis with various sizes.
00:39:58 - 00:44:32 - Cbet flop on Q85r - with x/r node lock.
00:44:33 - 01:05:41 - cbet flop in practice - GTO Wizard trainer.
01:05:42 - 01:36:16 - Conclusions and clarification of doubts.