Warm Up Levels 1 and 2 - spot - Squeeze vs BTN - non-KO - AlexandreDuarte - 2023 Review

Private Video

Multi Table Tournaments
Level 1
Level 2
Warm up

Coach Gonçalo reviews Squeeze spots from BB vs BTN, played by AlexandreDuarte.
Data: 01.02.2023

- Importance of blockers in the squeeze range;
- Stack size differences;
- Squeeze sizers;
- High fold equity;
- Pocket pairs small 40-50bb deep;
- SB's weak/exploitable range when he only calls the open with ~20bb;
- ICM considerations

00:00-2:04 - Introduction
2:04-49:40 - Review of the spots
49:40- 1:03:16 -GTO Wizard FT query and 50% field left
1:03:16 - 1:04:23 - Conclusion