WU spot levels 1 and 2 - EP & MP RFI - non-KO - Frefre113 (coach Bernardino) - 2023 Review
Private Video
Coach Bernardino gives a warm-up on the RFI ranges of EP and MP (UTG,UTG+1,LJ,HJ), varying the stack size between 17/25/40/100bbs, chipev, icm 25%left.
Student hand review and drill at GTO Wizard.
Data: 10.03.2023
- How does our range vary according to our stack size?
- Considerations regarding unspoken reshove stacks;
- Villain trends;
- Impact of the ICM;
00:00-2:52 - Introduction
2:52-45:22 - Hand review
45:22 – 48:38 – Spots ICM – 25% Left
48:38 – 1:0:14- Drills GTO Wizard
1:01:14 - 1:03:58 - Final Questions and Conclusion